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Contributor Guidelines

The key is to carefully review the website's contributor guidelines and follow them closely. This will increase the chances of having your article accepted and published on the website.

Originality and Quality

All submissions must be original content that has not been published elsewhere. We value unique perspectives and fresh ideas. We strive for high-quality, well-researched articles that provide value to our readers. Please ensure your content is informative, accurate, and engaging.

Word Count and Formatting

Articles should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words. This allows for in-depth discussions while maintaining reader interest. Submit your article in a Word document or Google Docs format. Use a legible font, proper spacing, and include any relevant images or graphs separately as attachments.


All submissions must be in English and free of grammatical errors. We expect well-written, coherent content.

Citations and References

If you include statistics, quotes, or references, please provide proper citations and links to the original sources.

Editorial Rights

We reserve the right to edit and modify the content for clarity, grammar, and formatting. However, we will not make substantial changes to the core message or alter your unique writing style.

How to Send Blog Content?

Read the Contributor Guideline


Write Content Following Guideline


Submit Content and Images to Us


Waiting for Review


Confirmation of publication

Submit Now

Great! Just submit your topic idea with an outline via the form below. Follow our formatting guide, and proofread your post before sending it to us.

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